Restore Environments Under Threat

Help Save Our Home
with Australian Fundraising!

Restore Environments Under Threat

With koalas being added to the extinction list, and entire ecosystems like the Great Barrier Reef under threat, our environment needs us more than ever! You have a chance to make a difference and help restore some of our most sensitive ecosystems. Discover how you can help contribute to environmental restoration with Australian Fundraising!

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Help Save Our Home!

Unfortunately, the Earth hasn’t been cared for as well as it should have been. Through human destruction, pollution, and climate change, some of our most sensitive and valuable ecosystems have been severely damaged.

But not yet beyond repair! With Australian Fundraising and our environmental partners at Carbon Neutral and the Great Barrier Reef Foundation, you can make a difference on land and sea by helping restore our vulnerable environments. Through tree and coral planting, Australian schools and groups are giving innumerable plants, animals and whole ecosystems a fighting chance at survival!


Help save our home! Endangered Koalas need help.

Koala’s have recently been added to the endangered species list, with habitat destruction being a main cause.


A Tale of Two Habitats

Imagine if every part of your home was burned down, and only one tiny part was left. Imagine if you were left with only 10% of your home. This is what happened to the animals and insects that lived in the Yarra Yarra Biodiversity Corridor.

In an environment once rich with native trees and shrubs, 90% of this lush and diverse area was destroyed for farming and agriculture. Stripped bare, the species that called this area home were left with only 10% of everything they needed to survive. Pretty tragic, hey!


Deforestation has devastating impacts for our Earth.

Deforestation has devastating impacts for our Earth.


But the farmland didn’t stay healthy. Without the trees and shrubs keeping the soil healthy, the farmland is now unusable for agriculture. It was abandoned by the farmers, and up until Carbon Neutral started the Yarra Yarra Biodiversity Corridor, it was mostly useless.


Sadly, the Great Barrier Reef is facing a range of threats too. The Reef is the largest living thing on this planet and home to one quarter (25%) of all known marine species. As one of the seven natural wonders of the world, the Great Barrier Reef is a global icon.

However climate change, poor water quality, crown-of-thorns starfish outbreaks and coastal development are slowly but surely threatening our precious Great Barrier Reef.



The Great Barrier Reef is struggling to keep up with the changes and it cannot fight back without our help! The Great Barrier Reef Foundation is doing just that – and you can join them in restoring and protecting the Great Barrier Reef.


Raise, Restore, and Rejuvenate!

It may sound like all hope is lost and that it’s too late to turn things around. Luckily, that’s not the case! There are lots of ways you can get involved in restoring and rejuvenating both the Yarra Yarra Biodiversity Corridor and the Great Barrier Reef!


Tree Planting

Tree planting is one of the most popular and well-known ways people engage in environmental restoration. That is because these areas play a crucial role in producing clean oxygen for humans and animals to breathe, while also contributing to soil stability, homes for animals and the water cycle! Put simply – everything needs trees!

Carbon Neutral is an Australian company dedicated to helping people offset (and reduce) their carbon load. By helping people analyse their carbon footprint, Carbon Neutral helps reduce the impact of human activity on the globe.



Celebrate World Tree Day!

Help restore vulnerable ecosystems by fundraising for World Tree Day!


Furthermore, Carbon Neutral is one of the largest carbon sink providers in Australia, powered through their native tree and shrub planting efforts in the Yarra Yarra Biodiversity Corridor! Having already planted over 30 million native trees and shrubs to restore over 150 km2 of former farming land, Carbon Neutral are definitely planting a difference!

Since partnering with Australian Fundraising in 2020, schools and groups have contributed 60,000 native trees and shrubs to the Yarra Yarra Biodiversity Corridor.


Celebrate World Tree Day!

Looking for the best time to host a Plant-A-Difference fundraiser? Why not celebrate World Tree Day? Discover 5 ways you can celebrate World Tree Day with Australian Fundraising!


Celebrate World Tree Day!


Australian Fundraising is partnering with the Great Barrier Reef Foundation in 2022.

Learn how you can fundraise for the Great Barrier Reef!

Coral Planting

Reef restoration is less well known than tree planting but is still one of the most effective and critical methods of protecting our reefs for generations to come! In partnership with the Great Barrier Reef Foundation, you can contribute to helping plant new corals across the Reef!


Coral planting supports the natural restoration of damaged reefs, by introducing coral fragments to help boost repopulation. As the reef regenerates, it draws back the fish, turtles, plants and other living species that used to live there! Coral planting does more than just protect coral reefs – it maintains the diversity of the Great Barrier Reef and prevents thousands of species from being lost for good!


Coral restoration on the Great Barrier Reef.

Coral restoration on the Great Barrier Reef.


The Great Barrier Reef Foundation is the leading charity for the Reef and works alongside global governmental, scientific and community conservation groups to protect Australia’s largest living icon. Through the schools and groups that contribute to coral planting with Australian Fundraising’s environmentally friendly fundraising programs, the Great Barrier Reef Foundation has a goal to plant 2 million corals by 2022.


Help Protect the Reef on World Reef Day!

World Reef Day is one of the biggest global celebrations of coral reefs and their amazing living diversity! June 1 is World Reef Day, and the perfect time to encourage your school or group to make a difference in protecting and restoring the Great Barrier Reef. Explore how you can celebrate World Reef Day while raising profit for your school with Australian Fundraising!


Explore the Plant-A-Difference fundraiser!


This is the most critical decade in history to turn the tide on coral reef decline. Credit: Gary Cranitch

This is the most critical decade in history to turn the tide on coral reef decline. Credit: Gary Cranitch


How You Can Help!

Best of all, you can make a difference to the environment and your local school or group. Through our Plant-A-Difference fundraiser or Go Green School Run 4 Fun program, every $20 you fundraise, Carbon Neutral or the Great Barrier Reef Foundation (you choose!) will plant a tree/shrub or coral in the Yarra Biodiversity Corridor or the Great Barrier Reef.

Nott only will your school or group bank a massive 60% of the profit you raise, your participants will be a part of restoring and protecting the living environments that make Australia so unique. Encourage your participants to be environmental heroes! Check out our Plant-A-Difference or Go Green School Run 4 Fun programs today.


Learn More About Plant-A-Difference



Want to know more?

Our friendly team at Australian Fundraising are always available to help answer any questions you have about Plant-A-Difference or a Go Green School Run 4 Fun. Why not get in touch via phone on 1300 133 022, or by submitting a Request for Information below? We can’t wait make a difference with you in 2022!


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March 2, 2022

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Are you ready to make the better choice for fundraising? From big profits to incredible one-on-one support, you will receive everything you need to succeed when you choose Australian Fundraising. Request a free information kit or get started today!