Carbon Neutral are Planting A Difference!
Environmentally friendly fundraising is a hot topic for schools and groups. It’s no wonder that our Go Green Fun Runs and Plant-A-Difference fundraisers are absolutely soaring, raising hundreds of thousands of dollars for schools and groups across Australia!
But with so many local environmental groups doing great work in their local areas, you may wonder why Australian Fundraising chose to partner with Carbon Neutral? Read on to discover four awesome reasons why we support our environment with Carbon Neutral.
Carbon Neutral have created Australia’s largest carbon sink!
One reason Australian Fundraising loves working with Carbon Neutral is that they are a reputable organization with a great track record! Carbon Neutral started in 2001, and has made huge contributions to environmental restoration, carbon offset and advocacy.
Together with their supporters, Carbon Neutral have planted over 30 million native trees and shrubs – the equivalent of 2,240 MCG’s or 14,000 hectares. Almost 30,000 of those trees have come from schools and groups that have chosen environmentally friendly fundraising ideas with Australian Fundraising. Way to go!
Local species means better success!
Living in Australia, not all plants are built for the harsh climate, unpredictable water supply and dry soil. With a huge variety of ecosystems throughout our beautiful country, it’s necessary that plants are planted in places where they can thrive.
Anna Elliott works at Carbon Neutral. She says that Carbon Neutral are “planting 60+ local species across 580 hectares of land in 2021.” Carbon Neutral uses more than 60 different varieties of native trees and shrubs to ensure that every plant has the greatest chance of survival, and habitats are less vulnerable to fire or disease.
This also means that native plants and animals have access to the plants they like, and there is less chance of weeds and introduced species taking hold. It sounds like a win-win to us!
Learn More About Carbon Neutral
Careful planting improves long term results
Similarly, not every time of year is a good time of year (for planting plants!). Different seasons are particularly harsh on saplings, especially when it’s very hot and dry. It’s important that trees and shrubs are planted during times of the year when they can take root with minimal difficulty.
Of course this varies depending on the area, and Carbon Neutral are experts in selecting the perfect time of year. According to Anna, most of Carbon Neutral’s trees are planted in early to mid-June, depending on rainfall. “This year (2021), planting is commencing from the 8th of June, as we have had some really good rainfall and the ground is well prepared for planting to commence,” she says.
Carbon Neutral supports vulnerable environments
One more reason why we love to partner with this great organization is that they are making a difference where it matters! Currently planting in the Yarra Yarra Biodiversity Corridor, this area of land was devastatingly ravaged by unethical farming practices during the 1900’s.
Now under protection by the Australian Government, the Yarra Yarra Biodiversity Corridor is being slowly but surely restored to its natural state – all thanks to Carbon Neutral and their environmentally conscious supporters.
Want to learn more? Enquire today!
Do you want to contribute to the fantastic work of Carbon Neutral? You can fundraise with the best in the business when you choose Australian Fundraising! Discover how you can host an environmentally friendly fundraiser that doesn’t cost the Earth. Contact our team using the form below, or call us on 1300 133 022 today!