Should You Reschedule?

Wet Weather Plans!
Coping with Rain on your Fun Run Day

Rain On Your Fun Run Day? Tips for Wet Weather

Unfortunately, weather is one of those things we just can’t control! Wet weather (or even the chance of it!) can make fun run organisers nervous for their event. Is it best to cancel when the weather forecast shows rain? Discover Australian Fundraising’s best tips for coping with a wet weather forecast for your fun run event day. 

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Wet Weather Plans for Your Fun Run

Hours of planning goes into hosting an exciting fun run fundraiser. So, there is nothing more disheartening than seeing a weather forecast predict rain on your big fun run event day!

You may have lots of questions when you see rain on the radar. Do you cancel? Do you go ahead with obstacles? Can you reschedule? Is the forecast accurate? How MUCH rain is coming? Most of all, you would just love someone to help you make a decision.

The good news is here – Australian Fundraising can help you decide whether or not to go ahead with your fun run when storm clouds are looming. Discover our five simple steps to creating a wet weather plan!


Wet weather can ruin your event day, but it might not too.

Wet weather can put a dampener on your fun run event!


1. Contact Your Account Manager

First things first – you are not alone! Your account manager is only a phone call away when it comes to organising, hosting and fundraising for your Colour Explosion school fun run or Slime Spectacular school fun run. With over 20 years of experience in school and group fundraising, your account manager at Australian Fundraising will know exactly how to help you.

When it comes to wet weather, there are many things to consider. Your account manager will take you through an event checklist to make sure everything is considered in regards to wet weather, including safety, practicality and of course, fun!


Should we reschedule?


Safety always comes first! When deciding if your event should go ahead, consider the safety of your volunteers and participants. Some questions you may like to consider include:

  • Is there a flood or slipping risk at the location of my fun run event?
  • Are there any electrical items that may be a risk in wet weather?
  • Will my obstacles be a slipping hazard?
  • Is there a school or group protocol around wet weather activities?



Even if your event is safe, it may not be practical to go ahead. You may not be able to return students to class dry and warm, or your colour powder may be difficult to squirt in the wet. Consider if it is practical to run the event in the event of poor weather, or the accuracy of the forecast. It may be worth risking a 5% chance of rain, but not 90%!



Most importantly, it’s important that all of your participants and volunteers have LOTS of FUN! If poor weather will diminish all your hard work in creating a fun event, it might be best to reschedule to a date where you can get the most out of your exciting School Run 4 Fun!


An overcast day doesn't have to ruin your event.

Ensure you consider safety, practicality and fun when deciding whether or not to reschedule your event due to wet weather.


2. Choose a new date

If you have decided that you should reschedule your fun run event, choosing a new date is the first step. Make sure it’s far enough away that your rain has past (perhaps the next week), but not too far away that your participants lose excitement.


3. Communicate with your community!

Letting everyone know about the change of plans can be difficult, especially if you have a large school community! Posting on your group’s social media page is a great start, but you may also want to send a notification to fundraisers through the online fundraising platform.

You will also need to send a letter home to parents informing them of the new date and any other details that have changed. It’s important to keep communication clear and open to avoid confusion!

In all the hustle and bustle of rescheduling, you may forget to tell your volunteers or staff, including teachers! Teachers and staff may need to devise additional teaching programs to fill the day, so try to tell them about your changes as soon as possible.


Fun Runs are full of colour - the last thing you want is to limit the excitement!

Keep up the excitement for your fun run by keeping communication clear.


4. Reschedule any extras.

If you have hired extra support or inclusions for your fun run event (such as inflatable obstacles, sound speakers or foam machines), don’t forget to let them know of your new plans. The last thing you need is having all of your extras arrive for an event that has been postponed!

If you have asked special guests to come support you, such as local emergency services, ensure you give them a phone call to reschedule their presence.


Don't forget to tell your special guests if plans change.

Don’t forget to tell your special guests if plans change.


5. Try again!

Don’t be discouraged! The best wet weather plans are ones that are lead by optimistic fundraising organisers. Wet weather happens, and it doesn’t have to ruin your fundraising event!

Cancelling all together is the worst thing you can do. Make sure you stay positive and persevere!


Australia’s Most Flexible Fun Runs!

Are you wanting to host a flexible fun run? Our fantastic fundraising fun runs come with one-on-one support, and HEAPS of free inclusions – rain, hail or shine. To learn more about our fun run fundraisers, request a free information kit, submit an enquiry below or call us on 1300 133 022 today!


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December 1, 2021

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