Create A Safe Return to School
Quick, Cashless and Contact-Free Fundraising Ideas

Support a Safe Return To School Fundraising for COVID-Safe Learning

With many State Governments releasing their Safe Return to School Plans, you may be looking for ways to fundraise quickly and cashless! Help your school purchase important items like air purifiers, online infection control training, shade sails or more outdoor furniture. Learn how you can support your school’s Safe Return to School plan through cashless fundraising.

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Return to School Safely

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What is a Safe Return To School?

Similar to the two years previous, 2022 has arrived with another adjustment to living and learning with COVID-19. As schools prepare to return to the classroom, many State Governments have released their recommendations for a Safe Return to School.

Depending on your state, there are various recommendations and suggestions for ensuring staff, student’s, and parent’s safety while on campus. While remote learning is (hopefully!) a thing of the past, we are still finding new ways to adapt to a COVID-Safe way of living and learning.


Students will be welcomed back to classrooms from 31 January 2022.

Students will be welcomed back to classrooms from 31 January 2022.


While each state has it’s own recommendations, there are similarities across the country. With a focus on infection control training, improved ventilation and outdoor learning, many schools may not have access to the funds required to quickly and safely implement these recommendations.

But there is no need to worry! Supported by the team of Fundraising Specialists at Australian Fundraising, our quick, cashless and contact-free fundraising programs can help you raise thousands of dollars in less than 4 weeks – meaning you can provide your school with the tools and educations required for a Safe Return to Schools.

School students sit around table

Discover what your school needs to keep children COVID-Safe at school. 

What Do We Need to Return to School Safely?

There are many things your school may like to fundraise for in order to head back to school safely. It is important that you discuss your school’s needs with school leadership, as you may be eligible for government provided or subsidized resources. In any case, discover four of the most important recommendations from State Governments when planning to safely return to the school campus.


Improved Ventilation

One of the biggest recommendations for a Safe Return to School is enhanced ventilation. There are many ways you can achieve this, with many schools needing air purifiers or more effective methods of manual ventilation (such as fans).

Your school may also have windows that can be opened, but require fly screens or security bars to keep children safe.

Large fans in school halls are also important for sports activities or assemblies, when students are unable to social distance and/or wear masks.


A high volume low speed (HVLS) ceiling fan is important for ventilation of large spaces.

A high volume low speed (HVLS) ceiling fan is important for ventilation of large spaces.


Outdoor Learning

Another recommendation is to increase outdoor learning activities and opportunities for classes to be undertaken in open air spaces. For many schools, this may mean upgrades to their outdoor areas to make learning here comfortable and feasible. This may include shade sails, outdoor furniture, seating mats or outdoor electricity points.

Outdoor learning may also require staff to be more diligent in encouraging sun safety, with schools perhaps needing provide additional sunscreen for students or having more spare hats available for students who forget.

Outdoor learning also comes with challenges, especially around noise and focus. Schools may need to invest in portable speakers and teacher microphones, mobile whiteboards and other similar materials.


Shade sails are important to keep students cool when learning outdoors

Shade sails are just one of many considerations when moving learning outdoors.


 Infection Control Training

Infection control training is an important tool in preventing the spread of infection. Online modules and student-friendly presentations are a great way to teach staff, students and parents about reducing their risk of infection. Modules may be provided at school, or as an at-home activity for each family.

Infection control training may include education on proper handwashing, hygiene and social distancing. These modules can be accessed free or paid by the Australian Government, the World Health Organisation and the National Hand Hygiene Initiative.

This video is one example you may like to use with students regarding proper handwashing practices.


Hand washing stations

On a similar note, many schools lack handwashing stations in locations outside the bathroom. Similar to drink troughs and fountains, schools can install handwashing stations to encourage students to frequently wash their hands at break times. Making these available to students outside the bathroom also reduces congestion and crowded areas at break times.


It is important to make handwashing stations accessible to students.

It is important to make handwashing stations accessible to students.


Start Fundraising Today!


How Can We Fundraise for a Safe Return to School?

Now that you know what your school needs to implement a Safe Return to School, it’s time to start fundraising! It’s necessary to choose a fundraising program that is quick, cashless and contact-free to ensure there is no risk to your school community!

Australian Fundraising is here to help. With seven awesome fundraising programs, your school can fundraise COMPLETELY online for no extra cost. In addition, automated prize ordering, free online communication with participants and no cash means you can be completely done and dusted with the profit in your account in less than 4 weeks! Discover the best quick, cashless and contact-free fundraisers with Australian Fundraising.


Billy G’s Gourmet Cookie Dough Fundraiser

Dough-licious, quick, automated and super profitable, Billy G’s Gourmet Cookie Dough fundraiser is the best choice for cashless fundraising! You can run this fundraiser from start to finish in only four weeks, completely online and automated.

Forget arduous paperwork, prize ordering and being left with dozens of products left at the end. Billy G’s Cookie Dough is an order-what-you-sell fundraiser, run entirely online. No cash, no prize orders, this fundraiser is completely automated and contact-free! You will also make an exceptional profit of $4 on EVERY tub sold, with your profit being banked straight into your account once a fortnight.

Not only will participants receive their dough-lightful tubs of gourmet cookie dough, they will also receive some of the hottest incentive prizes in fundraising. Automated prizes are cumulative, meaning students can win up to 12 prizes if they sell enough tubs. Get started today!


Learn More About Billy G’s Cookie Dough fundraiser!


Plant-A-Difference Fundraiser

If your school is more environmentally conscious, then the Plant-A-Difference fundraiser is the perfect contact-free fundraiser for you! Also run entirely online, your school or group can fundraise for a Safe Return to School AND the environment. For every $20 your school fundraises, our environmental partners at Carbon Neutral or the Great Barrier Reef Foundation will plant one tree/shrub or one coral on your behalf.

Your contribution will help restore, rejuvenate and research two vulnerable biodiversity hotspots: the Yarra Yarra Biodiversity Corridor and the Great Barrier Reef! Your school or group will also keep 65%* of the funds raised, to provide the necessary materials to head back to the classroom safely.


Discover Plant-A-Difference!


Start Fundraising Today!

Are you ready to start fundraising for a Safe Return to School? Our fundraising programs are quick, cashless and contact-free, meaning you can get your school ready for a Safe Return to School in a matter of weeks! Request a free information kit or submit an enquiry form below! You can also speak to our friendly team of Fundraising Specialists on 1300 133 022 today.


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* 65% profit assumes that your school can claim the GST back on the invoice from Australian Fundraising.

January 31, 2022

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Are you ready to make the better choice for fundraising? From big profits to incredible one-on-one support, you will receive everything you need to succeed when you choose Australian Fundraising. Request a free information kit or get started today!