Benefits of Team Fundraising
n schools, you will never run out of fundraising ideas especially if it is participated by groups or teams. While team fundraising is fun and exciting, to begin with, there are other benefits you can get from it.
It minimises the overall fundraising costs.
When it comes to school fundraising, everyone may have surely gotten involved in some sort of school fundraiser such as selling tickets to a play, selling candy bars and cookie dough and participating in fun run. However, the overhead costs associated with these campaigns require additional efforts. Team fundraising can minimise these costs. Since the funds go directly to the school, you can be sure that the products are shipped and delivered to the recipients. Instead of asking children to walk door-to-door, team fundraising takes care of the job. Since the younger generations truly understand the power of the Internet, participants can simply use the social media to spread the word.
It makes staff, parents and students account for the success of the school.
Another benefit of team fundraising is that it help students understand the value of team work. Team fundraising also instils real life lessons that older students can benefit from as they grow into adults. Whether you want to create a competitive fundraising or keep it friendly, almost everyone will be committed to participate. Although parents and staff may perceive fundraising as another burden, there is no doubt that keeping students engaged in the school’s budget initiatives is a rewarding experience.
Help build friendship among students.
Students can achieve success by working together. If they are focused on creating their own story and fundraiser, it is possible for them to miss the bigger picture. It is also important for staff and parents to use a common story about the importance of team fundraiser and how it can help spread the message. They should also know the importance of communication and hardwork. Team fundraising provides a perfect opportunity to work towards the same overall goal. If a team member is struggling, other team members can help out by giving tips and insight.