10 Ways To Boost Your Fun Run Profits
with Australian Fundraising!

Achieve Your Fundraising Goals 9 Ways To Boost Your Fun Run Profit

Reaching your fundraising goal cannot be done without the excited support from your school community. If you are struggling with parents and students who are unmotivated to fundraise, perhaps it’s time you introduce some new incentives to get them on board? Discover 9 new ways you can boost your Fun Run profit!

10 Ways to Boost Your Fun Run Profits

Fundraising isn’t always easy! Families and students may not be as excited as you are to get behind your fundraising mission. You may be located in an area where fundraising isn’t as successful as you’d like. Or perhaps your school community is simply unmotivated to reach your goals.

From incentive prizes, additional rewards for students who fundraise online, and plenty of ideas to help you achieve your goals, there is never a shortage of ways to turn your Fun Run fundraiser from bland to grand! Discover nine awesome ways you can give your profits a boost.


Slime A Teacher or Principal!

Let your highest fundraising student slime a teacher or principal! You can make a big event out of the ‘sliming’ by holding it in assembly, at lunchtime or at the beginning of your Fun Run. Advertise this opportunity and have kids compete for the special chance to slime a teacher!

Slime a teacher to help encourage students to fundraise.

Let your highest fundraising student slime a teacher!

This idea is extra awesome if you are hosting a Slime Spectacular School Run 4 Fun, because it kids extra excited for the big race day.


Host a Pizza Party

Host a pizza party for the highest fundraising class! Encourage kids to fundraise with a free lunch for the entire class that tops the school leaderboard. This helps kids motivate each other to fundraise. If pizza doesn’t do the trick for your students, you could try other lunchtime favourites like Subway or a sausage sizzle.


Free Dress Day

Encourage your community to chase your fundraising goal by offering a free dress day for students if the school achieves its fundraising goal. Students love the chance to show off their personalities in free dress, and this can help your whole school aim high!


Boost your fun run profits by offering a free dress day!

Motivate students to fundraise by offering a free dress day if the school reaches their fundraising goal!


This idea is particularly great if you are hosting a Colour Explosion School Fun Run, as participants need to wear white on the day of the race!


Free Play Period or Games Afternoon

Get students outside the classroom on a Friday afternoon and offer a free play period if the school achieves its fundraising goal. Alternatively, you could offer the highest fundraising class a special games afternoon or an extended lunch break. This encourages students across your school to fundraise together.


Exciting Voucher Prize

Reward your highest fundraising student with a voucher or prize! Motivate students to chase the top spot on your school’s leaderboard with a voucher or prize that students and/or parents would love. Perhaps a family movie ticket, sports store gift card or theme park pass. Anything that gets kids excited to fundraise


Being the first to hit the track is very enticing for students!

Students love being the first to hit the track!


First to hit the track!

Kids LOVE being the first to hit your Fun Run Race Track! Turn the excitement into a reason to fundraise, offering the highest fundraising grade group or class the opportunity to be the first ones to run their race. Not only will this encourage students to fundraise, but their excitement will set the tone for the rest of the races after them – hopefully, a tone of excitement, fun and achievement!


Ice Block Prize

Relieve the summer heat with an ice block for the highest fundraising class! Choose children’s favourite icey poles to help motivate the class towards reaching your school’s fundraising goals. This budget-friendly idea could allow each class to set their own fundraising goal, and reward them for achieving it.


An Ice Block can be a great incentive to encourage students to fundraise.

An Ice Block can be a great way to incentivize students to reach their own fundraising targets.


Principal for the day

Give your highest fundraising student a behind-the-scenes look at being the principal for a day or period! Take them to the office, a tour of the school, and let them sign some very important faux documents. Encourage your students to fundraise with a cool school day in the life!


Canteen or Tuckshop Voucher

Support your school canteen or tuckshop by giving a canteen voucher to students who raise $20 or more! Cap your voucher at $3 or $5, but make sure it’s enough for them to claim a special treat. Children will fundraise like mad to nab their canteen favourites!


Get more from your school fun run by offering great incentives to students who fundraise.

Get more from your school fun run by offering great incentives to students who fundraise.


Movie Afternoon (with Popcorn!)

Similar to a free play period, you can treat your highest fundraising class to a movie afternoon, complete with popcorn! Choose a family-friendly film, and use the event to incentivise students and families to fundraise for your school. Make it extra special with popcorn and pillows!


Have More Fundraising Ideas?

We’d love to hear them! At Australian Fundraising, we are always looking for ways to equip schools and groups with awesome ways to fundraise. Send your ideas to mail@australianfundraising.com.au or submit the form below!


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February 8, 2021

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