with Australian Fundraising!

10 Ways to Sell More Products

Boost Fundraising Sales 10 Tips to Sell More Products

Selling your fundraising product can be daunting, especially if you feel shy or nervous. But there are lots of easy things you can do to boost your fundraising sales! Discover our 11 simple tips for selling more fundraising products and raising extra money.

10 Ways to Boost Fundraising Sales featured image

10 Ways to Boost Fundraising Sales

If you have decided to fundraise through product sales, you may be finding it difficult to raise lots of money. This is normal! But it’s also very easy to overcome.

Fundraising with a product-based fundraiser like Billy G’s Gourmet Dough is an awesome way to fundraise for your school or group! People love receiving something in return for their donation, and are often more than willing to support your cause.


10 Ways to Make More Money

Once you have chosen a great product to sell, fundraising for your school or group can be lots of fun. Discover 10 ways you can boost your fundraising profit by making more sales.


1. Practice asking.

One of the most daunting parts of your product fundraiser is asking people to buy your product! Make sure you have practiced what you would like to say, so that you feel confident when you make your request.


Not sure what to say? Try this!

“Hello. My name is (your name) and I go to (school or group name). We are fundraising for (why you are fundraising). Would you like to help us by buying (what your product is). I would be very grateful.”

Don’t forget to say thank you!

Try not to be too upset if people say no to your sales pitch. They may come back later and be able to purchase from you then. Keep smiling, and ask the next person – you’re a fundraising superstar after all!


Practicing your sales pitch can help you feel more confident.

Practicing your speech in front of a mirror can help you feel more confident.


2. Set a goal.

It’s much easier to stay motivated and excited for your fundraiser when you have a clear goal. Decide in advance how many products (or tubs of Billy G’s Gourmet Cookie Dough!) you’d like to sell. This way, you can keep track of how you are going, and how many people need to buy from you.

You can also share how far away from your goal you are with potential donors. People may choose to buy an extra few products to help you reach your goal!


3. Write a list of potential customers.

Before you set out to ask your friends and family to purchase, take some time to write a list of potential customers. This makes sure you never forget to ask someone, and no sales are lost!

When writing list, think outside the box! There are lots of people you can ask to donate. Some people you could ask are:

  • Mum or Dad, a carer or your step parents,
  • Grandma and Grandpa,
  • Your older brothers or sisters,
  • Aunties, uncles and cousins,
  • Neighbours or people in your street,
  • Your friends at sport, music or church,
  • Friends from a different school, or
  • Your babysitter or nanny.

Writing a big list will help you feel excited about how many products you might be able to sell!


Writing a list of potential customers can help boost your fundraising sales.

Writing a list of potential customers can help you remember everyone.


4. Always say thank you.

Believe it or not, saying thank you is a big part of selling more fundraising products! Regardless if someone makes a donation or not, make sure you give a big thank you!

How you treat people leaves a big impact. They might make a purchase later in your fundraiser, or know someone who might be interested in your product. Leaving a good impression, a happy smile and a big thank you can do wonders in boosting your fundraising profits.


5. Show photos or examples of your product.

Everyone likes to know what they are going to get for their purchase. Make sure you take a sample of your product with you, so people can see exactly what you’re selling.

If you don’t have an example of your product to take, a photo can do the trick! Show people all the flavours of Cookie Dough they can choose from, and take your sponsorship brochure with you. This will help people know that you are legitimate, and selling a real product they will love.


6. Fundraise online.

Did You Know? People who fundraise online raise THREE TIMES more money than those who don’t?

Choosing a product fundraiser that has an online booking option is a great way to give your participants a head start.

Not only do participants have an electronic way to collect their donations, all orders go directly to your provider – saving you the hassle of paperwork and money counting!

Plus, your donors can purchase again and again, any time they like (within your fundraising period). No more “come back tomorrow when I have money!” Simply share your online link and let your donors place their orders.


Fundraising online can boost your sales too!

Online fundraising can boost your sales, and make your fundraiser easier to manage!


Start Fundraising Today!

Billy G’s Gourmet Cookie Dough Fundraiser is a cashless, online product fundraiser.

Exclusive to fundraising drives, Billy G’s Cookie Dough sells itself!

Learn more about Billy G’s Gourmet Cookie Dough and get started with online product fundraising today!

Billy G’s Gourmet Cookie Dough Fundraiser


7. Remind customers who forget.

Sometimes, people forget to buy your product. If someone has mentioned that they would love to donate but haven’t yet, don’t be scared to remind them!

Perhaps you can even have an adult help them make their booking. They might not be sure how to do it!


Not sure what to say? Try this!

“Hello. My name is (your name) and I go to (school or group name). We are fundraising for (why you are fundraising). You might remember when I asked you to buy some (your product). Would you still like to buy some? I’d be very grateful!”

Don’t forget to say thank you!

If they have changed their mind, simply say, “That’s okay! Thank you anyway. I’ll see you soon!” and leave with a happy smile. Keep going, fundraising champion – you’re doing a wonderful job!


8. Share Your Fundraiser on Social Media.

You will need an adult to help you share your fundraiser on social media.

Social media channels are where the people are. Using channels like Facebook, Instagram, Tik Tok or others can greatly hype up your fundraising event.

If you’re a school, running Facebook and Instagram Ads can generate more traffic to your school’s fundraising page, and may boost donations from your local community. Use the right hashtags and engage people. Using basic social media marketing techniques will greatly help you in this endeavour.

If you’re stuck, the awesome team at Australian Fundraising have social media templates you can use to boost your fundraising sales. Give the team a call on 1300 133 022 to learn more!


Online fundraising can help you achieve your goals

Sharing your fundraiser online is a great way to spread the word.


9. Get an adult to help you.

Parents, Carers, Nannies and other important adults might be able to help you sell more fundraising products. Perhaps they can share your online fundraising link with their friends or people they work with.

You could even make a poster or flyer for your adults to take to work and hang up in their staff room or office. There are lots of creative ways you can leverage working committees, friend and family to boost your fundraising sales.


10. Offer incentives for your fundraisers.

Asking people to purchase a product can be scary, especially for young ones! Using incentive prizes or awards for the highest fundraisers is a great way to motivate kids and parents to get on board with your product fundraiser.


An amazing fundraising idea for schoools! Oakwood Primary School sold more than 2 600 tubs of Billy G's Cookie Dough in 2020!

Oakwood Primary School sold more than 2 600 tubs of Billy G’s Cookie Dough in 2020.


Ready to Fundraise?

Australian Fundraising has been helping schools and community groups fundraise for more than 20 years! You can trust that we will help your product fundraiser be a smashing success.

Express Your Interest in Billy G’s Gourmet Cookie Dough Fundraiser today!

Billy G’s Gourmet Cookie Dough Fundraiser


Have questions?

There are lots of things to consider when planning a product fundraiser! Our team of School and Club Fundraising Specialists are available to answer all your questions, and decide which fundraiser is right for you. Submit a web enquiry below or call the team on 1300 133 022 today!


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December 5, 2020

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Are you ready to make the better choice for fundraising? From big profits to incredible one-on-one support, you will receive everything you need to succeed when you choose Australian Fundraising. Request a free information kit or get started today!