Tips for Cookie Dough Fundraising
Make More Profit with Billy G's Gourmet Cookie Dough Fundraiser

Top Tips for Cookie Dough Fundraising with Billy G's Gourmet Cookie Dough

With $1,000 up for grabs, everyone is wanting to take the top spot on the national Billy G’s Gourmet Cookie Dough leaderboard! But even if you can’t quite crack the big 3K tubs, you will love the huge profits that roll in with every tub of Billy G’s Gourmet Cookie Dough. The dough-lightful cookie treats are an extra bonus! Discover our top tips for record-breaking cookie dough sales.

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Cookie Dough Fundraising Tips

Cookie Dough fundraising is a favourite for schools and groups everywhere! Huge incentive prizes are one reason why fundraisers love Billy G’s Gourmet Cookie Dough. Not to mention the absolutely dough-lightful cookies themselves, and the massive $3.50 profit on every single tub sold. But what if you could sweeten the deal with a $1,000 Coles Myer Gift Card?

You can! With Australian Fundraising, you can win a $1,000 Coles Myer Gift Card if your school or group sells the largest number of Billy G’s Gourmet Cookie Dough tubs in 2021! Currently sitting with Blue Haven Public School (3,133 tubs sold), can you beat them to the top?

Discover our top tips for selling a record-breaking number of Billy G’s Gourmet Cookie Dough tubs in 2021!


Australian Fundraising's online fundraising platform makes it easier than ever to fundraise!

Sell more tubs online with Billy G’s Gourmet Cookie Dough!


Fundraise online

Did you know? Those who fundraise online typically raise 3x more than those who fundraise with cash? Selling cookie dough tubs online can bring in 3x more sales, potentially taking your total fundraised amount from $3,500 to $10,500 without any extra effort!

With Billy G’s Gourmet Cookie Dough fundraiser, you automatically receive access to our awesome online fundraising platform, completely for free! There are no excuses not to fundraise online when we make it so simple!


Shout from the rooftops!

One of the biggest secrets to success is getting the word out! The more people you ask to purchase tubs, the more cookie dough tubs you will sell! It sounds obvious, but it is often overlooked by many fundraisers. Below are some ways you can help spread the word.


Use our resources

Our fundraiser comes with lots of free resources to help spread the word! Use the supplied posters, sponsorship booklets, newsletter inserts and social media posts to make sure everyone in your school community knows that you are fundraising!


Make a character

In 2020, Oakwood Primary School topped the leaderboard, attributing lots of their success to their awesome Principal! Wearing his ‘Cookie Costume’ in the Drop Off and Pick Up Zone, no one could forget to make their cookie dough order!


Oakwood Sttate School Cookie Character

Oakwood State School boosted their Cookie Dough sales with their Cookie Character!


Recruit your local newspaper

Local newspapers are always willing to share a school or group’s fundraising efforts with the local community. Get in contact with your local editor, and ask if they can write an article about your school’s goals! You might like to share:

  • Your fundraising goal,
  • Why you are fundraising, and
  • How people can get involved (visit your school website to purchase a tub).


Do a letterbox drop in your street

Every family that fundraiser has access to lots of people in their local area, especially their street! Asking each family to do a small letterbox drop to the houses in their street can help spread the word and generate more sales. If you need help designing your letterbox drop, ask the team at Australian Fundraising to help you.


Use your school’s billboard

Lots of schools have a billboard or notice board out the front of their school. Don’t miss the opportunity to share your fundraising announcements with everyone who passes by.


Discover our incredible gourmet cookie dough, delicious baked or straight from the tub!

Discover our incredible gourmet cookie dough, delicious baked or straight from the tub!


Order a few extras

No one likes to miss out, especially when they’re missing out on something as fantastic as fresh, Australian-made Billy G’s Cookie Dough! However, some parents inevitably forget to place an order, or perhaps (although unlikely, because you will have shouted from the rooftops!) missed the announcements.

Buying a few extra tubs to sell after the ordering period has closed can help boost your numbers just a little bit. Your extra tubs ensure those families who may have missed out can still have a chance to get involved.


Spruik the benefits

Billy G’s Cookie Dough fundraiser is more than just regular cookie dough! It comes with a host of amazing benefits, including:

  • FREE cumulative incentive prizes, meaning students can win up to 15 unique prizes!
  • Freezable cookie dough, that can be thawed and refrozen as many times as you like!
  • Shelf life of up to 6 months in the freezer, or 4 weeks thawed.
  • Up to 40 cookies in every tub.
  • Dough-licious sweet treats for supporting your school or group – how can you go wrong?


Australian Fundraiser prizes

Incentive Prizes are just one of the many reasons people love Billy G’s Cookie Dough!


Accelerate Your Fundraising Start Selling Today!

Children and adults alike are smiling from ear to ear whenever sweet treats are chosen to be part of a fundraising campaign. Sure fun run, scratch cards and other fundraisers are equally fun, but nothing beats sinking your teeth into chewy, mouth-watering treats and helping a good cause at the same time. Cookie dough fundraising is the most popular sweet product fundraiser on the market and appeals to many.


Why Choose Billy G’s Cookie Dough Fundraiser?

Not sure if a Billy G’s Gourmet Cookie Dough Fundraiser is right for you? Learn more about Australia’s favourite cookie dough fundraiser today.


Easy and Delicious!

No one can resist heavenly tasting cookie dough and cookie desserts. With 10 outstanding flavours, a Cookie Dough Fundraiser is a popular treat for kids, adults and their families!

Billy G’s Gourmet Cookie and Biscuit Dough is a wise option to consider for a cookie dough fundraiser. Aside from our 10 irresistible flavours, the registration process is also hassle-free. Tick and tick!


Quick and easy – perfect for Term 4!

You can still beat the holiday rush by booking early. Ever heard of Christmas Edition Fundraiser? This is a fantastic idea for organisations that are looking to maximise their profits with minimal effort.


Cookie Dough Fundraising brings in huge profit!

Cookie Dough Fundraising can be awesome for profit!


Manage your sales online!

Make it easy to sell cookie dough tubs online and choose a fundraising provider that will set up your online store for you.

It is normal to be apprehensive, especially if it is your first time organising a cookie dough fundraising campaign. Request a free fundraising information pack to help you gauge whether or not the fundraiser is right for you.


The reputation does the talking!

Choosing Billy G’s Cookie Dough comes with more than just a delicious product. It comes with a proven track record and outstanding reputation for being an incredibly tasty, high-profit fundraiser!

Make your fundraiser memorable for everyone by ensuring that you do not settle for less. Aside from making sure that a cookie dough fundraiser offers the best-tasting product, you will also bring in a massive $3.50 on every tub sold – that’s a bumper product margin you can’t refuse.


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October 21, 2020

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Are you ready to make the better choice for fundraising? From big profits to incredible one-on-one support, you will receive everything you need to succeed when you choose Australian Fundraising. Request a free information kit or get started today!