10 Step Roadmap to Fundraising Success
A lot of fundraising coordinators we talk to are time-poor as many have full-time jobs as well as trying to run an event. They come up with great fundraising ideas and do everything in their power to ensure a successful fundraiser for their school or group, only to be frustrated when the money raised falls short of a goal they want to achieve.
Australian Fundraising is a professional organisation that has lived and breathed fundraising for schools and groups since 1999. Our experts know how to help fundraising coordinators make the most of an event, and we constantly innovate and implement tools and resources they can use to help make the job easier and ensure maximum profit. We are dedicated to ensuring your fundraising event is a smashing success.
We’ve taken all our experience and lessons learned to put together this 10 Step Roadmap to Fundraising Success that helped schools and groups raise over $22 million in 2022.
Step 1 – Fundraising Success Account Manager
Our skilled and experienced account managers will guide you from start to finish to ensure your fundraiser is highly successful.
Step 2 – Bigger Bang for Your Buck
Receive more free inclusions with our School Run 4 Fun Programs, including colour powder, slime, sunglasses and headbands for every student.
Step 3 – Promotion and Marketing
Receive an array of promotional posters together with a wide range of templates for social media, assembly scripts and newsletters to help promote your fundraiser.
Step 4 – Cyber Secure Platform
Our online fundraising platform is nationally compliant with Safer Technologies for Schools (ST4S), meeting the highest standards of cyber-safety and security.
Step 5 – Online Fundraising
Boost your profits with our innovative and cashless online fundraising platforms, which you’re in control of every step of the way.
Step 6 – Gamified User Experience
Your participants will be engaged more than ever with our gamification features, which will make them shine online.
Step 7 – Choose Your Option
Add excitement and boost participation with a bumper selection of incentive prizes, or Go Green without sacrificing the fun by choosing coral or tree planting.
Step 8 – Risk Free Fundraising
With no money required up-front combined with free online fundraising fees, our proven programs are guaranteed to reward your group’s generosity with maximum return.
Step 9 – Event Support
Our event support includes track maps, risk assessments, itineraries, tips and tricks, a COVID-safe event plan, reporting and assistance with prize distribution.
Step 10 – Innovative Programs
We innovate to motivate, constantly sourcing new fundraising trends and the hottest toys to ensure maximum participation and enjoyment.
Read our Case Study
You may be a little unconvinced that all of this can make such a big impact on your fundraising results.
Download this Case Study of one school deputy principal who felt the same way until he realised that, in the end, the school had tripled the funds raised he thought possible.
Click here to download it today.
If you’d like to know more, click here to request a Free Information Kit and discover the Australian Fundraising difference for yourself.