Page 5 - 2023 Slime Spectacular
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                      CYBER SAFETY

                            IS OUR TOP PRIORITY!
                            IS OUR TOP PRIORITY!

                                                                                                    To protect
                                                                                                  your personal
                                                                                              information, do not
             Security, privacy and cyber safety are major                                    provide your passport
             concerns for schools, parents and donors alike                                    or driver's license
             Don’t let concerns over online fundraising hinder you from achieving your         to any fundraising
             fundraising goals. Here are 7 reasons why you can trust Australian Fundraising's        provider.
             online platforms to be safe for both participants and organisations.

                       1. Australian Owned                                                4. Safe from Identifying Features
                       Australian Fundraising’s Australian-owned and operated             Keep children safe online with no profile photos, surnames or class
                       platforms mean that your data is subject to strict privacy         groups. Australian Fundraising’s URLs are private (accessed by sharing
                       and security laws, protecting it from third-party access,          only), protecting students from being found via search engines.
                       transfer and sale.
                                                                                          5. No Search Functionality
                       2. Nationally Compliant with ST4S                                  The safest online platforms do not have a search function. Students who
                       Australian Fundraising has achieved a compliant Safer              fundraise with Australian Fundraising cannot be found by searching the
                       Technologies 4 Schools (ST4S) result. ST4S is a nationally         platform, but via direct link only.
                       consistent risk assessment approach. ST4S assesses
                       services used by schools against benchmarked criteria,             6. Personal Identification Requirements
                       including information security, privacy and online safety.
                                                                                          Some online providers who trade in Australia ask for your personal
                                                                                          information such as a passport or driver’s license. Not with us! Australian
                       3. Limited Data Retention                                          Fundraising does not ask for personal identification, making registration
                       Unlike other fundraising companies that may keep your              secure, quick and easy.
                       data for years, Australian Fundraising deletes and resets
                       all of our online databases at the end of each school year.        7. Safe and Trusted Affiliates
                                                                                          Australian Fundraising is proud to partner with GoFundraise, an Australian,
                                                                                          online fundraising service. When choosing a fundraising provider, check
                                                                                          that their affiliates are also safe and trusted – like GoFundraise!

           6 6                                              www    . a u s trali anfundraising.c      o m. a u
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