Page 3 - 2023 Slime Spectacular
P. 3

PRIZES TO                                                             Australian Fundraising offers three different
                 PRIZES TO
                                                                                        incentive prize methods to accommodate any
                                                                                          group. These options allow you to motivate
            SUIT YOU!
            SUIT YOU!                                                                     minimising the burden on your volunteers.
                                                                                            participants to achieve their goals while

                                                                                                 Did You Know? Participants receive more prizes with Australian
                                                                                                Fundraising! Our prize redemption system is based on the lowest
                                                                                                value in each category. For instance, if a participant selects a prize
                                                                                                  from the $50-$75 category, they will only redeem $50 of their
                                                                                                          available prize credit, rather than the full $75.

              Most Popular!
              M   o  s t P    o  p  u  l a  r  !                           E a  s  i e s  t !                                   G  o G    r  e  e  n  !
                                                                                                                                Go Green!
         Traditional prize ordering is the most commonly        Automated prize ordering lightens the load            Make a difference on land and sea by swapping
            used option for incentive prizes. With this         of coordinators by eliminating the need for         incentive prizes for tree or coral planting! For every
           option, a participant's individual fundraising       manual prize ordering. With this prize option,      $20 fundraised, participants can choose to fund the
         total at the end of the fundraiser becomes their       participants can earn up to 15 prizes as they        planting of one tree in the Yarra Yarra Biodiversity
           available prize credit, which can be used to        reach specific fundraising milestones, starting         Corridor or one coral in the Great Barrier Reef!
                    redeem up to five prizes.                  at just $10 raised. At the end of the fundraiser,             Please note: Go Green does not apply to
                                                              all prizes are ordered automatically, making the          Billy G’s Gourmet Cookie Dough or Charity Fun Runs.
                                                                        process easy and efficient.

                                   CHOCOLATE CHIP
                                    TE CHIP
                                   SCENTED CLOUD SLIME
                                   NET WT. 8 OZ. (226.7g)
       14 14                                                   www    . a u s trali anfundraising.c o m. a u
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